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Vitamin D – The sunshine vitamin

Polina Hadjikyriacou – Clinical Dietician writes:

Sunshine, not food, is where most of your vitamin D comes from. So even a healthy, well balanced diet, that provides all the other vitamins and goodness you need, is unlikely to provide enough vitamin D.

What is vitamin D? You make vitamin D under your skin when you are outside in daylight, which is the reason vitamin D is sometimes called the ‘sunshine vitamin’. Even though we call it a vitamin, vitamin D is actually a hormone that our body makes.

When is vitamin D made? The amount of vitamin D you make depends on how strong the sunlight is. 15-20 minutes exposure in the sunlight between the hours of 10am and 4pm, 3 times a week, without any sunscreen will provide you with enough vitamin D. However strong sun also burns the skin so we need to balance making vitamin D with being safe in the sun – take care to cover up or protect your skin with sunscreen before you turn red or get burnt.

What does vitamin D do in my body? Vitamin D works with calcium and phosphorus for healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Even if you have a calcium-rich diet, without enough vitamin D you cannot absorb the calcium into your bones and cells where it is needed. Vitamin D may have other important roles in the body, but there isn’t enough evidence at the moment to make any conclusions.

If you are concerned you are not getting enough vitamin D, speak to your doctor or ask to be seen by a dietitian.

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